Fysisk CD som skickas med post

CD  "Amazonas To Tibet"

Sacred Mantras With Healing, Meditation & Music.

The Healer Adam and Lalita Yogi is taking you on a deep journey from the forest of the Amazon jungle to the hights of the Himalayan mountains of Tibet. 

The flute and jungle sounds in the beginning of the journey
will draw you deep within yourself giving you the feeling
that you really are out in the djungle of pacha mama.

Coming from that native place of your souls journey
you will continue to shed old layers of your self
with the help of the highly effective mantra
Jaya Shiva Shambo feeling the rythmes of your roots.

Starting the climb upwards with the ancient Trayambakam mantra
to turn darkness to light you will feel the powerful energy radiate through your body,
the same energy you are made from now shines more clearly through you.

Now you are reaching the clarity that the hights of the Himalayas give
through the traditional Tibetan mantra Om Mani Padme Hum.
You will instantly start to feel the magnificent peace and hightend balance coming from the magestic mountains through the music to you.

Your have now traveled deep within and brought to light more of you true essens by removing old layers and patterns to raise your vibration to the top of the wold.

These meditations are most powerful when using head phones.

Blessings and light on your journey!

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    Dina Meditationer

    • Flute

    • Jaya Shiva Shambo

    • Trayambakam

    • Om Mani Padme Hum

    • Compassion Meditation

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